
Overview in spanish
Overview in spanish

overview in spanish

Within a few years, the Muslims (or Moors as they are commonly called in Spanish history) had conquered virtually all the peninsula. The 8th century saw the momentous arrival of Islam. The Visigoths, one of the barbarian tribes that overran the crumbling Roman Empire in the 5th century, are often overlooked, but in subsequent centuries their spirit was frequently evoked by Spaniards as fundamental to Spanish values. Rome controlled the Iberian Peninsula for some 600 years, longer than any other part of its large empire inevitably the Romans left a deep imprint. Phoenician, Greek and Carthaginiantraders early on (from about 800 BC) found the Iberian Peninsula an endless source of goods, but it was the Romanswho contributed the first substantial building blocks for Spain’s identity.

overview in spanish

The debate about origins has since widened, especially as Spain is now made up of seventeen “communities,” each with an interest in carving out its own history. Since the late 19th century there has been ongoing debate between Celtophiles and Iberophiles, the former claiming that the “true” roots of Spain’s identity are to be found in the Celts, the latter arguing in favour of the Iberians. However, although we know relatively little about the Celts and the Iberians, we can’t ignore their significance. Even the two groups that figure most prominently as the early inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula (present day Spain and Portugal), the Iberians and the Celts are something of a puzzle. So much of these early years is a mystery, including some remarkable dolmens (burial chambers) erected about 2,000 years ago, and the fabled kingdom of Tartessus (approximately 600 BC). Still, we don’t know who these early “painters” were and the meaning of their works is conjectural. Although there are prehistoric remains found in Spanish caves dating back more than 1,000,000 years, for many people Spain’s story begins much later with magnificent cave and rock paintings from about 15,000 to 5,000 years ago. Copy the URL from search results into the tool.Spain has a fascinating and varied history. This will quickly remove any stored copies of the page from search results.

  • Tell Google about the change using the remove outdated content tool.
  • If using noindex, you must also remove the robots.txt rule that blocks the page to search engines. Sounds strange, but we need to be able to read the page in order to see your "noindex" instruction.
  • Require a user login to access the page, or.
  • Take one of the following actions to block your page:.
  • You can prevent the page from appearing entirely in Google Search results by following these steps: Option 2: Block the page entirely from Google search results

    overview in spanish

    Suggested terms to search for: "robots.txt provider_name" or "unblock page to Google provider_name".


    Please search your provider's documentation to learn how to unblock your page or site to Google.


    If you are using a website hosting service (for example, if your site is on Wix, Joomla, or Drupal), we can't provide exact guidance how to update your robots file because every hosting service has different ways to manage robots.txt on their service.

  • Remove the rule, or else update it according to robots.txt syntax.
  • Find the rule that blocks Google, as described above in Confirm the issue.
  • If you want a proper page description in Google Search, you must allow Google to read the page by removing or modifying the robots.txt rule that blocks Google. To fix this problem, take one of the following actions: Option 1: Let Google read your page In order to fix the problem, read the next steps.
  • The test should show you the robots rule that blocks Google from accessing your page.
  • Omit the URL prefix shown next to the URL entry text box.
  • Enter the URL of the page that is missing the description.
  • overview in spanish

    Open the Robots testing tool for your site.If you have verified your site in Search Console, you can test whether a page is blocked to Google using the robots.txt Tester: The next section describes how to confirm that this file is present, and that this is the issue. Some site hosting services create this file automatically for their customers. *A robots.txt file is a standard file that websites use to prevent search engines from crawling specific pages on their site.

    Overview in spanish